“Cellphones are how your generation shaves hours, probably years off their lives” Or how one can keep organized

The quote is taken from my dad. He’s a very uplifting guy who most people find many similarities to Kurt Woodsmith’s character Red Forman on That 70’s Show… which yes, admittedly to this day makes me his Eric and consequently many ‘dumbass’ moments occur between the two of us ( for all those of you who have seen the show and were curious).

For me however while I can understand his dreary point my cellphone is my little friend who keeps me as close to being on a schedule as possible, my preferred productivity platform if you will. Kasia mentioned the wonder which is paper, and how it has given her day to day structure and neatness. She also shows how when it comes to writing paper has allowed all of us a means of putting down our thoughts and setting them off into world. Unfortunately for me all of my check lists and PostIts would end up going missing when I would need them and I’ve spent more time trying to find them than anything else. That’s when my dad would show up and the ‘dumbass’ moments would occur. As a result my phone and its notification system and text messaging feature have become my way of keeping track of things… rather it has allowed my clumsy misplacing nature to not hinder me too heavily. Setting alarms throughout the week on the cellphone have also help me by warning me how distracted I’ve become moments before I should be leaving to catch the train.

Is a need for such features from a mobile phone a good thing? Absolutely not but while I try and break poor habits it is nice to know this seemingly quick fixes can allow me to keep a schedule.

By Ray


  jen rhee wrote @

The amazing thing about the iphone is how compact and mobile it is … how it performs so much functions in one neat little package. I just got one this week, and am convinced that it’s going to transform my life — for better or worse.

In any case, I’m pretty much in awe about how radically this device seems to have influenced society over the last decade. Its somewhat counterintuitive, but it seems as though products today are no longer valued for their durability or longevity, but for their essential disposability. The materiality of the device is secondary — we’re addicted to our iphones because of their mobility and lightness, because they are convenient, because they supposedly save us the time of schlepping from one device to another. Of course, it also means that we’re then held hostage to living a life of constant upgrades — but it’s the price we pay for efficiency I guess.

  jennykane324 wrote @

Yes, and we’re also held hostage to a life of constantly checking e-mail, facebook status, latest news, etc…..I love my i phone too but realize it’s also made me obsessively look at it. And it shocks me how lost I am without it — how I no longer remember as many numbers from memory for example.
I’m with Ray in that I now rely on it for alerts, for my calendar, etc. but mainly it’s a distraction, often just a way to pass the time.
It seems everyone on a film set now has a smart phone which makes the hours of standing around pass a little faster. But I kind of miss the old days when people actually talked to each other.

  cindypound wrote @

i left my phone at work last week…which meant i didnt’ have it for a total of less than 12 hours…i felt a strange unease at home without it…kept waiting for something on it…a call or a text…and i also noticed how many times i wanted to reflexively check it (about once every 2 minutes) only to find that it wasn’t there…

i didn’t realize i was that addicted to my phone, so emotionally and habitually dependent…but alas, it appears as if i am.
